THS’s mission consists in:
The present president of THS is Dr. Yu-lin Lee, Chair Professor in the Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature and Transnational Cultural Studies at National Chung Hsing University, TAIWAN. Present THS members are academics and expertise on Western critical theories, postcolonial studies, cultural studies, visual theories and culture, film and media studies, the fine arts, Taiwan literature and culture, Japanese literature, East-Asian studies, etc.
THS’s chief commitment is to bring Taiwan and East Asia to bear on Western critical theories, with the aim to promote and establish in various humanistic disciplines critical or theoretical methodologies that are globally imbricated and simultaneously Taiwan- or East-Asia-inflected. To achieve this aim, THS has been holding and organizing activities, such as Theory Study Groups, Theory Camps, and a series of “Theory—Taiwan” and Asian Theories forums and International Symposians. THS is also initiating collective research projects that experimentally embark upon Western theories (Deleuze, Lacanian psychoanalysis, Foucault, Agamben, etc.) in relation to Taiwan or East Asia, planned directions including “Theorizing Life in East Asia”, “Asia Assemblage”, and "Posthumanities".
In addition, THS members have been guest-editing special issues in scholarly journals; among those that have been published or are under way are Life, Community, Ethics; The Prosthetic-Image; Afterimages of the 1970s; Deleuze and Asian Cinema; and a series of special issues aiming at constructing dialogues between Western theorists and East-Asian thinkers.
Past Events
2012 International Conference on Poisoned Cornucopia: Excess, Intemperance and Overabundance across Literatures and Cultures (hosted by the Department of Anglophone Cultures, University of Opole, POLAND),
2013 International Conference on Except Asia: Agamben’s Work in Transcultural Perspective (hosted by the Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University, TAIWAN)
2013 International Conference on Creative Assemblage: The First International Deleuze Studies in Asia Conference (hosted by the English Department, Tamkang University, TAIWAN).
2015 Asia Theories International Symposium-- Waiting: Time/Theory/Action in Global Asias (hosted by THS and the Graduate Institute of Taiwanese Literature and Transnational Cultural Studies, NCHU, Taiwan)
THS will reach out to more scholars and institutions both locally and internationally to see to the fulfillments of its mission.